Jeff Marquez

Certified Consultant

Jeff Marquez

Jeff Marquez

Founder, Marquez | | Leadership, Culture & Strategy

Jeff helps mid-level leaders be your best authentic leader self so that you increase your impact and value to your team, boss, peers, and customers. A former senior executive, he has experienced the chaos and frustration of misaligned priorities, toxic people, and faltering teams due to mistrust. His expertise will increase your self-awareness, influence quotient, culture competence, clarity, and resilience so that you lead and coach as your best authentic self. He uses his Homeland, White House, and military experience to help you get beyond the chaos, be the best version of yourself, build trust and confidence, and get the mission done.

Areas of Specialization

  • Business, government, and non-profit mid-level leaders
  • Culture and Hispanic Leaders


A retired Army colonel and former senior executive with the federal government, Jeff brings a wealth of experience leading people and organizations.  He served on the National Security Council and led the team that developed the successful US drawdown from Iraq.  In Hawaii, Jeff led the transformation of United States Army forces in the Pacific.  He also served as a chief of staff in the federal government.  Having served overseas and stateside, from the Pentagon and combat zones to the White House, Jeff’s empathy and experience help him understand the needs of his clients and ways to help highly successful people and organizations create durable excellence.

To work with Jeff, click here

“Authenticity. That simple word, authenticity, led me down a path of exploration and self-awareness, with Jeff guiding me along the way. Jeff took the time to ask thought-provoking questions, in an effort to understand my motivations and to understand my expectations. I’m not sure why I opened up so quickly to Jeff. Perhaps it was because he seemed to embody the principle of authenticity and it was something that I felt was missing in my life. Flash forward several months later, I view the world with a new perspective which has helped me both professionally and personally. I have a renewed sense of confidence, perspective, and community.”

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