The Next Chapter of Your Professional Career Can Be Your Best

Use your expertise to build a thriving coaching or consulting business.

Your next chapter should be more than a pale imitation of the first.

You’ve had an extraordinary military career, kept our country safe, and inspired hundreds with your leadership ability.

What’s next?

If you are a high-autonomy person, like me, building your own coaching or solo-consulting business could be a meaningful, joyful, and profitable next career. 

You also want to do more than grind away at work. You have family, community, and other priorities you want to support.

Working for yourself seems like a great fit.

“I want to work for myself … but I don’t see how it would work.”

It’s scary. Uncle Sam made sure that paycheck arrived biweekly without fail. As a consultant, you’ll ask people to pay you. How uncomfortable is that?

On top of that awkwardness, how do you get people to know that you are in business, what you can do for them, and why they should trust you.

It seems insurmountable.

Most military retirees hit the easy button to be a DoD civil servant or defense contractor.

Those are noble roles for many people. Is that the right fit for you?

The golden handcuffs can chafe.

The sense of mission is not the same, so your tolerance for long hours, work-travel, mediocre bosses, and a poor work environment are lower. It’s why so many people in our shoes get frustrated with post-military life.

Are you willing to bet on yourself?

Have you already begun your consulting business and want it to grow to achieve the success you deserve?

Do you want to have the freedom and autonomy to pursue the other priorities that are so important to you?

What you need is a repeatable process you can follow to:


Identify how you help people


Find the people who can use your help


Show them your expertise without coming across as a self-promoter


Bring them on as joyful clients without feeling pushy or awkward.

I’ve captured all of this into a simple program called

Expert Consulting Mastery

8 steps to answering the call for your next fulfilling career

I offer the live program semi-annually. We meet once a week for 90 minutes by zoom for 9 weeks to discuss each lesson, go over your assignments, and create action steps that get results.

Most people say that the program pays for itself within the first few weeks. 

If the timing is not right for the live program, you can join the self-directed program at your own pace and time

This is how it works


You watch a short video each week that outlines each step in the process.


You apply what you learned in an assignment that helps you grow your business.


You get my coaching and advice, along with the support of a terrific peer group.


If something isn’t working right for you by the end of the program, I’ll keep working with you until it does at no additional cost.

If you are not succeeding by the end of this program, then one of us is not doing their jobs and I guarantee you that it won’t be me.

100% of the people who implement this program succeed. Period.

I’m Chris Kolenda,

I spent 24.5 years in the Army and another 2.5 years as a DoD civilian. I resigned in 2014 and decided to create my own consulting business.

Like you, I’m a high autonomy person and was ready to be my own boss.

I decided that I could figure it out on my own. I’m a smart guy, I can read a few books, and be as successful as so many others who’ve had less experience.

At first, things went well. My existing relationships created some excellent opportunities, and I figured that I was well on my way to a million-dollar business.

And then those contracts ran their course and there was nothing waiting. Crickets.

I made all sorts of mistakes trying to supercharge my business – expensive digital marketing failures, awkward cold calls, yucky self-promotion.

I found out why lone wolves starve – they double-down on stupid.

I was a good consultant, but I wasn’t very good at being a good consultant.

I was making most of the available mistakes and creating new ones.

Luckily, I knew a superb consulting coach.

I finally invested in making myself good at being a good consultant and that investment has paid dividends many times over.

There are so many people like you and me who’ve had exceptional military careers and will be extraordinary consultants.
You just need a practical way to make it all work.

Expert Consulting Mastery is your game-plan for success.

When you follow the Expert Consulting Mastery process, you will build a meaningful, joyful, and profitable business that will make your second career as impactful as your first.

You will:


First things first: clarify your mission and value proposition to attract the right customers for the right reasons.


Take control of your time, talent, and energy so that you build a thriving business and advance the priorities that matter most to you.


Develop a prospecting and marketing process that works for you and brings value to your clients.


Develop a clear and compelling brand so people recognize the value you provide even when you are not around.


Overcome obstacles and roadblocks so that you get moving and avoid second-guessing.


Determination versus Drift: Develop action steps that keep you on the determination curve towards success; recognize the warning signs of the drift towards comfort zones and mediocrity.


Simplify. Develop a simple, agile, executable business model to meet your customers' needs and adapt quickly in a dynamic market.


Implement a sales process that fits your values and creates win-win opportunities for you and your clients.

The next Expert Consulting Mastery begins in February.

Extra early bird special is


Register before February 29th and you save $2000.

Early bird special is


Register before March 10th and you save $1000.

Register after March 10th, and your fee will be $7500.

This program is limited to 8 attendees. You are guaranteed to get the attention and support you deserve in this program.

This program has a 100% success rate for people who implement each step.

If you’ve done the work and something is not working right for you by the end of this program, I’ll keep working with you until it does – at no additional cost.

Schedule a call to see if the program is the right fit.

I only accept people who are coachable, have an abundance mentality, and want to help people.

Act now.

Don’t miss the opportunity to grow a second career that is as impactful and joyful as your first, and allows you the freedom and autonomy to meet your priorities – family, community, vacation, etc.

You’re a winner. Get rid of the golden handcuffs and bet on yourself.

Space is limited to 8 people and the fee goes up to $7500 on March 10th.

Take advantage of the extra early bird pricing, register before February 29th for $5500 and you will have saved $2000. Schedule your call right away and begin your journey to a meaningful, joyful, and profitable second career.

If you are unable to participate live, beginning with the self-directed Expert Consulting Mastery System is the perfect choice for you to build your consulting business or boost your existing business at your own pace.

You get access to the same video training and assignments without the interaction and live coaching sessions. You also go to the top of the waitlist for the next live program and receive a credit for the amount you invested in the self-directed program.

You can purchase the self directed program for $997 here.

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Circle of Influence

Your leadership skills are infinitely upgradable