
PROM Archetypes®

PROM stands for Pioneers, Reconcilers, Operators, and Mavericks. The archetypes are based on the observable contributions each one provides to your organization. Strategic Leaders Academy gives you the action steps you need to get your PROM archetype, understand your superpowers, and help your subordinates contribute their best to your organization’s success.

Determine your PROM Archetype (TM) here:

Building an Inspiring Culture®

Which quadrant best describes your culture: compliance, chaotic, contingent, or inspiring? This video helps you identify where you are and how to build an Inspiring Culture, where your employees do the right things the right ways without you having to watch over them. You can focus on growth.

Helping you gain the right culture is one of SLA’s superpowers. Contact us to discuss ways to shorten your path to Building an Inspiring Culture (TM).

Battlefield to Business

Your biggest breakthroughs come when you look at your challenges from a new point of view – are you ready for a breakthrough?

To help you find a new perspective, we’ve created 15 Battlefield to Business videos. Each video gives you the chance to learn lessons from past battles so that you can conquer the battlefields you face today.

Leadership Habits

Strategy Habits

Culture Habits

Becoming a WHY Leader®

Join Chris Kolenda's

Circle of Influence

Your leadership skills are infinitely upgradable