


Self-Awareness – Where Leadership Begins

Self Awareness

“Know thyself.’ The ancient Greeks were telling themselves and can tell us today, that by knowing ourselves, we get to know our natural inclinations and our natural strengths so that we can put ourselves in a position to succeed. And at the same time have the humility to recognize that others have different inclinations and strengths. By putting together the right combinations of people, that are tied together by a common purpose, that is what leads to the best results.”

Why Is Self-Awareness Important?

“When you know yourself, there are a number of things that awareness empowers you to do. First of all, it empowers you to put the right people around you. I, for instance, need detail people around me, and those are the first people that I seek out. With the right people, you can amplify your strengths or natural inclinations, and you can also cover your blind spots.”

What Are the Key Lessons?

1. Through self-awareness, you get to know your natural inclinations and natural strengths so that you can put yourself in a position to succeed.

2. Put your top talent in positions that best suit their inclinations and they are going to make the biggest impact on the business.

3. Surround yourself with the right people and you can amplify your strengths, your natural inclinations, and you can also cover your blind spots.

4. When hiring someone, more important than their skills are how they fit within the company culture. You can teach people skills, but what you can’t train is culture.

Listen to Chris’s Entire Podcast

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