
Humility: It Makes the Holidays Happy 2021

The holiday season has a lot of meaning. Humility is one of its most enduring themes.

Humility is the conviction that others have value. It’s not self-abnegation. When you have humility, you listen to learn from others — their experiences, insights, points of view, and beliefs. You observe and look at the facts. When you have humility, you are willing to change your opinions and conclusions in the face of new evidence.

Hubris is the belief that only your views matter and that others are evidence of ignorance or evil. When you have hubris, you seek only information that confirms your pre-existing beliefs, and you reject everything else. Totalitarian ideologies, historical and present, seek to impose their views by force — berating, coercing, canceling. Negligence is hubris without conviction. You go along to get along.

The holiday season has a lot of meaning. Humility is one of its most enduring themes.

I’m grateful for 2021 — the people I’ve met and served, all of you in this community, my failures and successes, and the opportunities to learn, get better, pay it forward, and help people be their best selves and realize their dreams.

I’m grateful as 2022 approaches. At the end of that year, too, I’ll look back and realize how ignorant I was at the start of it.

Humility is the foundation of all virtues. Confucius.

What action steps will you take to make 2022 your best year?

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