Tag Archive for: Expect Consulting Mastery

Becoming a Better Consultant – What You Need to Know

Becoming a Better Consultant  – What You Need to Know

If you are a military veteran who wants to build a meaningful, joyful, and profitable consulting business, then I have something you might be interested in to take your career to the next level.

You’ve already had a military career full of extraordinary experiences, superb exemplars, and exceptional education and training.

You’ve coached, taught, and mentored your subordinates, and got good at telling your bosses things they needed to hear. You tell the truth with simplicity and compassion to get things done.

You have everything it takes to start, build and grow a thriving coaching or consulting business.

You probably value autonomy and want to govern your personal and professional priorities.

A solo or boutique coaching or consulting business is the perfect way to do this if you’re willing to bet on yourself.

Of course, as we both know, there’s a difference between taking a calculated risk versus gambling on the unknown.

Simply hanging out your shingle and hoping for business is a gamble. You might be a good consultant, but you need a game plan that makes you good at being a good consultant.

You turn a gamble into a manageable risk by doing these three things:

  1. Having a step-by-step process you can follow that leads to success,
  2. A guide to help you implement the process in ways that work for you,
  3. A peer group that cheers you on, shares ideas, and helps you stay accountable.

Join me in Expert Consulting Mastery and eliminate the gamble on your future success. You get a simple, repeatable process, implementation support and an accountability group. Let me tell you more.

Expert Consulting Mastery program is a 9-week program starting on October 11th, 2023 that will give you the process, guidance, and support to accelerate your business and create durable success.

100 percent of the people who have previously participated in this program and who’ve implemented each step of the program have been successful. Most find the program pays for itself in the first few weeks.

Each week you will watch videos (totalling about 30 minutes) and complete an assignment. You will meet with your group and me via Zoom to discuss your progress, answer any questions, and give you action steps that get results.

By the end of the program, you will have everything you need to move your consulting business from striving to thriving.

If some part of the process is not working for you, here’s my guarantee and promise: I’ll work with you until it does – at no additional charge.

I’m very selective about who joins the program which is why admission is by-application-only.

If this program resonates with you and you’d like to know more, schedule a call with me, and let’s talk.

We’ll discuss your business and see if Expert Consulting Mastery is right for you. I’ll give you action steps to move your business forward, whether or not you decide to take the next step.