Double your Productivity

Double Your Productivity

If you could change one thing about your team’s productivity, what would it be?

So, what’s holding you back from making that change?

The twin crises of COVID-19 and the economic shutdown are hurting a lot of us — me and our team at Strategic Leaders Academy included. Postponed work, canceled conferences and speaking events, experiential learning events on hold; the list goes on.

There’s also the pain of not being able to visit elderly loved ones for fear of passing along a virus you do not know you have.

It breaks my heart that I cannot safely visit my father, who is fighting cancer so bravely. A loved one in our extended family recently passed away. Her family cannot give her a proper funeral.

A friend has had to put work on hold as his wife has fought COVID-19. She has beaten the virus; I am delighted to say! He’s loved spending so much time with his children — who also got other illnesses — and yet he’s put everything else on hold. All of this comes at a cost.

Everyone I know is experiencing some version of this and more.

What to do?

There’s opportunity in crisis if we dare to look for it. It’s tough amidst all the challenges to look for the possibilities.

That’s precisely why we are putting together this series of webinars: RAMP – The Major Crisis LifeCycle.

If you missed our first webinar, you could register to watch it right here.

Check out our recent articles, too. RAMP: The Major Crisis Lifecycle.

These webinars help you put an eye on the future. When you know what to look for, you find it more easily.

We want to help you identify the opportunities you need and the tools to find them.

Our first webinar identified five shifts from conventional thinking that can help you put some structure around these ambiguous opportunities:

  1. From Firefighting to Gardening: how to focus on growth (working on your business rather than in your business).
  2. From Fear to Trust: how to strengthen workplace relationships even as we telework and practice physical distancing
  3. From Compliance to Commitment: how we can boost commitment to success and our culture. You’ve probably found that micromanaging is hard nowadays. You can expect people’s tolerance for being micromanaged to diminish after all this.
  4. From Single to Multiple Decision-Making Approaches: how to organize your decisions, so you make quick ones when the timing and conditions are right, gain the insights and support from your team, and empower and delegate to people’s strengths.
  5. From Crystal Ball and Blueprints to Intelligence and Agility: how to turn uncertainty into calculated risk, so you ask the right questions and execute quickly and precisely. The teams with the best intelligence and agility will prosper in the post-crisis new normal.

If you missed our first webinar, you could register to watch it right here.

For the next five weeks, our webinars are going to drill down into these themes.

This week builds on the Firefighting to Gardening shift. We are calling it Double your Productivity: Organizing your Time and Team for Sustainable Success. This webinar will help you:

 * Gain time for growth by using these practical delegation tips;

 * Boost your results by reducing hyperactivity and creating your organizational rhythm;

 * Slash wasted time and energy by letting your leadership emerge from the middle; 

 * Improve innovation with three techniques that promote your creativity and focus;

 * Reset your trajectory by seizing this opportunity reform nagging issues that have been holding your team back.

RAMP Webinar #2: Double your Productivity is live at 12:30 am Eastern time on April 2.