Entries by Christopher Kolenda

Avoid being Scapegoated

Want to avoid being scapegoated for the next breach?You need Total Trust alongside Zero Trust You are a new CISO in the financial services industry. You are excited about the job but anxious due to the scale of the cyber threat from a range of actors: lone-wolf hackers, organized crime syndicates, governments and their proxies, […]

Get ahead of the Cyber-threat with this one powerful habit

Get Ahead Of The Cyber-Threat with this one powerful habit You face a dizzying array of threats: lone-wolf hackers, organized crime, government-sponsored proxies, and insider threats. These groups are highly aggressive and adaptive and often operate with impunity. They threaten our businesses, infrastructure, livelihoods, and way of life. Cyber is the new frontier of freedom […]

Avoiding the Talent Trap

Avoid the Talent Trap by Emphasizing Trust Why do business and athletic teams with the most talented people so often fall behind or get beaten by teams of lesser talent? The 2004 USA Men’s Basketball team, the example par excellence, was beaten by the far less talented teams of Puerto Rico, Lithuania, and Argentina.  The […]

Discover Your WHO

HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR ‘WHO’ I have two things of value for you. First, we have been doing a lot of research on leader authenticity. Good leadership starts with knowing and owning your WHO. Each person is hardwired differently. Knowing and owning WHO you are as a leader makes you sincere and genuine. There are […]

September Newsletter

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Which D-Day Leader are You?

Which D-Day Leader are You? June 6, 2019, is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the intrepid invasion at Normandy, France. Less than a year later, Hitler was dead and Nazi Germany defeated. Many factors led to the success at D-Day. Strategic Leadership was a key difference.  The Allied military leadership team outclassed the Nazis, completely […]