Tag Archive for: Expert Consulting Mastery

Chris Kolenda: Less Time, Better Results. What People Say About Expert Consulting Mastery

Less Time, Better Results. What People Say About Expert Consulting Mastery

Joan (not her real name), a gifted leadership coach, was at her wit’s end. Her firm emphasized cold-calling to get people to buy leadership training programs. She was extremely uncomfortable. The awkward and frustrating conversations never led to a sale and often damaged existing relationships. She wasn’t making any money. 

CEO coaching and consulting are high-trust, high-touch endeavors. People need to know that you understand their needs and that you’ve got their backs before you can broach ways to help them. I learned this lesson the hard way, too.

Joan started working with me on this approach during the Expert Consulting Mastery program. She rehearsed it several times with me before talking with prospects. She got immediate results and boosted her business to six figures from nearly zero revenues.

“This approach feels good and natural to me,” she reflected. The conversations were joyful and consistently led to working together. She gets referrals from delighted customers, which boosts her business. She never cold-called again.

Business development is the Achilles heel of many veteran coaching and consulting businesses. 

Positioning, prospecting, marketing, and sales can feel overwhelming and daunting for many people.  When you learn how to perform these skills in line with your values and standards, you will find that they become a joyful part of your business and incredibly effective. This is exactly what we do in Expert Consulting Mastery. 

When you fall into the trap of riding your Rolodex for a year or two and fail to focus on long-term business development, you’re destined to struggle once the people who knew you in your previous capacity have moved on.  This can cause your early wins to nosedive quickly. I learned that lesson the hard way, too.

When you have a method to identify the people you want to help, find them, and meet them where they are, and you do so consistently, your business will succeed sustainably. 

Here’s what some past participants have said about my Expert Consulting Mastery program: 

“Working with Chris has given me the skills, confidence, and accountability I needed to build a thriving business. I now approach business development with enthusiasm instead of trepidation.” – Lori Tompos, Lori Tompos consulting

“Spend less time, and get better results … I was able to apply as we were going and see results immediately.” – Kris Yagel, Founder, Diligent Plans

“This program’s clarity and focus resulted in more high-payoff work that we love and less wasted time and energy. We expect 33% growth to reach $100k in monthly revenues and expand from there.” – Matthew Hargrove and Barry Lingelbach, Black-Grey- Gold Consulting 

“I know exactly how to achieve my goals and deliver life-changing outcomes for my clients … and charge much more for the value I provide.” – Laura McKenna, Founder, Strength and Shield Coaching (Watch Laura’s video)

In case you’re wondering about the details of this program, here’s a quick recap for you.  You can read all the details here if you haven’t done so already.

This 9-week program gives you the process, guidance, and support to accelerate your business and create durable success.

100 percent of the people who’ve implemented each step of the process have been successful. Most find the program pays for itself in the first few weeks.

Each week you will watch videos (totalling about 30 minutes) and complete an assignment. You will meet with your group and me via Zoom to discuss your progress, answer any questions, and give you action steps that get results.

By the end of the program, you will have everything you need to move your consulting business from striving to thriving. 

If some part of the process is not working for you, here’s my promise and guarantee: I’ll work with you until it does – at no additional charge.

I’m very selective about who joins the program which is why admission is by-application-only. 

If you’d like to know more, send me an email, and I’ll send you a simple application.

We’ll discuss your business and see if Expert Consulting Mastery is right for you. I’ll give you action steps to move your business forward, whether or not you decide to take the next step.

Chris Kolenda: 21 Days until Expert Consulting Mastery Begins

21 Days until Expert Consulting Mastery Begins: Price Goes Up Next Week

Would you like a 10x return? One mid-size client pays for your investment ten times over.

When you participate in this program, you will scale your business in ways you never imagined because you become someone new – an expert consultant who is significantly better at being an expert consultant.

I don’t mean a little better. 

You become significantly better because you approach business development with confidence. 

You let go of the low-fee, high-maintenance clients that consume your time and energy. 

You attract high-fee, highly engaged clients, who respect and value your time and energy. It’s like deep sea fishing where the marlins are biting.  These clients are a joy to work with and happily pay your fee because they recognize the value you provide them.

Let’s contrast the significant differences between wrong-fit and right-fit clients, and how making this one change can help make your business more meaningful, joyful, and profitable.

For example, if you charge hourly rates for wrong-fit clients, you are most likely:

  • In a lower-fee race to the bottom with people who provide a fraction of your value;
  • Working long hours with high-maintenance clients to gain the income you want, which robs you of time for other priorities;
  • Leaving your client wondering if you are bilking them.

When you find the right fit clients, you will:

  • Charge higher fees based on the value you provide – your clients appreciate a partner who gives them a massive return on investment.
  • Solve problems more quickly, which delights your clients and reduces your workload.
  • Strengthen your relationships because your clients know you want what is best for them, instead of what increases your billable hours. 

If you’re interested in doing this work together, I want to remind you that the extra early bird pricing is only available until September 30th.  You’ll save $1000 when you act now.  Email me, fill out a brief application, and let’s discuss how this program will benefit you and your business.

If this program helps you gain one additional mid-sized client, you will gain a ten-fold return on your investment.

If some part of the process is not working for you, here’s my promise and guarantee: I’ll work with you until it does – at no additional charge.

P.S. Want to read all the details about Expert Consulting Mastery?